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Facebook Libra Cryptocurrency And How It Will Effect Bitcoin BTC

Writer: shiningbullastroloshiningbullastrolo

Updated: Sep 7, 2019

Greetings, All. The following is an analysis regarding the Libra cryptocurrency proposed by Facebook. The purpose of this analysis is so that You understand the relationship between the future of cryptocurrencies, the future of Libra and the future of Facebook, so that You can benefit from this situation. So first, I will tell You about Libra and how it relates with Facebook, looking at both of their natal charts, and then later I will tell You how you can harness all of this for your own betterment and additionally, what You need to be aware of.

Firstly, regarding Libra’s chart. The chart used is of the moment of publication of Libra’s whitepaper. A whitepaper is the definitive description of the intentions that an entity has regarding why they are releasing a given cryptocurrency.

I would like to mention that this chart is extremely strong. It’s extremely strong in the D1 Rashi Chart. It’s strong in the D9 Navamsha Chart. It’s yet stronger in the D60 Shastiamsha Chart. It is as strong as it can be in the D2 Hora Chart. There is no way in hell that these guys (Facebook) do not have a Vedic Astrologer working for them. This would make sense, because vedic astrology is well known by the Indian diaspora and there are a lot of Indians working in California. In fact, these guys have probably known about vedic astrology for some time now. And, their Astrologer is clearly a very good Astrologer, in many ways.

The fact is that there is no way that Libra will fail. Libra will succeed. Furthermore, Libra has a much stronger chart than even Facebook itself. In fact, there is such a difference in the strength and the nature of these two charts that I would say that Libra will succeed past Facebook’s success and will redefine Facebook. Libra will have much more strength going into the future than what we currently refer to as Facebook.

Regarding Libra’s chart, the first two really important planets are Mars and Mercury. Mars is the soul-signifying planet or Atmakaraka and Mercury is the soul’s helping planet or Amatyakaraka. In the natal chart, these two planets are together in the sign of Gemini, which is Mercury’s sign. These two planets being together is good for Libra, because it’s like having two best friends who have the most to give, together so that they can give more. That they are in Mercury’s own sign gives them strength. But they are also even stronger, because they are Vargottama, meaning they are in the same sign in the D9 Navamsha chart as in the D1 Rashi Chart. But that’s not all: they are, furthermore, both together in a Pushkara Navamsha pada, which makes them even more potent.

Mars is the Lord of the 7th House of partnerships and the 12th House of foreign lands, escape and so on. Mercury is the Lord of the 2nd House of spendable and usable resources including money, and the 5th House of playing with investments and playing the market, of being creative in a playful way. Rahu and the Sun are also conjunct with Mars and Mercury over there in Gemini.

Regarding Rahu, Rahu is a powerful force and wherever Rahu sits, Rahu uses the resources available to further Rahu’s own ends. In Libra’s chart, Rahu is in a powerful place due to the fourfold conjunction in which it has a role, and also because Rahu is powerful in the sign of Gemini, a dual sign whose core is a highly powerful Rahu-ruled Nakshatra called Ardra. So in Libra’s chart, Rahu will take the persona of Mercury and put force into achieving via that persona in this chart. As Mercury is the 2nd and 5th House Lord, Rahu’s force will go into achieving resources, money and the ability to play and be creative with resources and money. Later when we look at Facebook’s chart, you will see that Rahu has an even more powerful role to play than just this.

When Libra’s whitepaper was published, the Moon was transiting over the natal Saturn and Ketu, in the Nakshatra Purva Ashada, in Libra’s 8th House of unexpected gains, unavoidable ups and downs, and things of a hidden nature, and in the sign of Sagittarius which relates with one’s path and with one’s direction. Libra’s Moon is the Lord of the 3rd House of courageous efforts that we make in order to put ourselves forth and make use of our resources. The Moon’s Nakshatra is ruled by the Goddess Apah. She releases the far spreading waters which inspire humanity. So, when Libra experiences unexpected ups and downs or is dealing with things of a hidden nature, this will go hand in hand with their own definition of Libra’s path and direction. And, it will result in their making efforts in the form of inspiration. If you read the whitepaper itself, you see that, indeed, this is the route that they are taking: they present Libra in an inspiring and far-reaching manner. This Moon-related activity is tied in with one of the several reasons why Libra can not fail.

Why will Libra not fail? Well, there are several reasons, but the first is that they have a Vipareeta Raja Yoga happening, namely that their 6th House Lord, Venus is opposing their 8th House Lord, Jupiter. Venus in the chart is in the Ascendant and Jupiter is in the 7th House. Venus is the Ascendant Lord in the Ascendant, so that gives Libra a strong base to begin with, with which to battle the enemies of the 6th House also ruled by Venus. Because of Venus alone, these 6th House battles will already tend to benefit Libra. Since Venus and Jupiter are in opposition, Libra will be made to face the battles of the 6th House, but they will get gains from these battles. What will these battles be regarding? Since the 6th House and 8th House Lords are in the 1st and 7th Houses and since Jupiter is additionally the Lord of the 11th House, these challenges will be regarding the gains, ups and downs and hidden things that are related with Libra’s partnerships.

When this Vipareeta Raja Yoga is set off, Mars is also activated, because the natal Jupiter sits in Mars’s sign. Mars is already powerful, but here is why not only Mars but all of the planets conjunct Mars in Gemini are even more powerful than previously mentioned: all four of the planets in Gemini are involved in Raja Yogas amongst themselves and with Saturn who opposes them. So, when Libra goes through these battles regarding the ups and downs, the hidden aspects and the gains that come with their partnerships, Jupiter will activate Mars’s sign and will thereby activate Mars, thusly activating the following plethora of beneficial Raja Yogas:

The Raja Yoga between the Sun and Saturn, who are the lords of the 4th and the 9th Houses, respectively. This will bring a beneficial fusion between stability, well-being and Libra’s directional path. The Raja Yoga between the Sun and Mercury as Lords of the 4th and the 5th Houses, respectively. This will beneficially tie together Libra’s stability and comfortable position with its ability to play, learn and be creative with money and resources.The Raja Yoga between Mercury and Mars, the Lords of the 5th and the 7th Houses, respectively, beneficially bringing together their creativity, playfulness and accumulation of knowledge with their partnerships.The Raja Yoga between Mars and Saturn, the 7th and 9th House Lords, respectively. This will facilitate the mutual benefits brought by both partnerships and the directional path that Libra aims to take.

So, that’s terrific for them. The other thing regarding this Vipareeta Raja Yoga, is that even in the D9, Jupiter is involved in a Vipareeta Raja Yoga regarding the same houses, the 6th and the 8th. In the D9, Rahu is 12th from the natal Rahu and Saturn is 12th from the natal Saturn, but in the D60, they are 2nd from themselves. Looking at both the Libra chart and the Facebook chart, it is clear to me that a Vedic Astrologer advised Libra on when to release their whitepaper so that the universe might generate this high-carat chart for Libra.

When I look at Libra’s D2 Hora Chart, regarding how the energies of the Sun and the Moon are playing out, I see that all of the day-strong planets are in the daytime sign of Leo and all of the night-strong planets are in the nighttime sign of Cancer. This is another layer facilitating their ability to move forward with the correct energies required.

Then is there anything that might pose a challenge to this initiative? One may be inclined to note that both Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde. This means that regarding Saturn, Lord of their 9th and 10th Houses, Libra will need to constantly revise and put work into their vision regarding their direction toward the future. Regarding Jupiter, Lord of their 8th and 11th Houses, they will have difficulty synthesizing the true wisdom regarding partnerships and the gains, ups and downs and hidden aspects related to partnerships. But in the end, they will have success regarding this difficult synthesis, due to Jupiter’s role in the Vipareeta Raja Yoga described above.

What I find interesting is that when I look at Facebook’s chart as compared with Libra’s chart, I see that these two planets, Jupiter and Saturn, are also retrograde in Facebook’s chart. So it seems to me that the Facebook bunch is already prepared for the type of energy that they are setting out with with Libra, because they have already been working within the retrograde energies of Jupiter and Saturn, since the beginning of Facebook. However, there is a special situation at play formed by Ketu and Saturn, which means that any misstep regarding Libra’s vision regarding their future direction and the efforts they make to express it, could eliminate their money flow, stability and partnerships.

Now onto Facebook’s chart, so that we can see how it relates with Libra’s chart. Facebook says that they will release Libra in the first part of the year 2020. At that time, Facebook will be in their Saturn Mahadasha and the Jupiter Antardasha. These are greater and lesser-spanning time periods during which these two planets will have the most influence over Facebook.

For Facebook, their Mahadasha Lord, Saturn is the 6th House Lord of daily battles, daily work and enemies, and their 7th House Lord of partnerships. Saturn is located in their 11th House of gains in Mercury’s sign, Gemini, in a Parivarttana Yoga with Mercury, who sits in Saturn’s sign, Capricorn, in Facebook’s 6th House. The two are thereby engaging in a beneficial sign-exchange. Mercury is also the Lord of Facebook’s 2nd House of money and resources. Mercury is conjunct the Sun while not being combust or aspected by malefics. This is what has given Facebook a clarity of mind regarding the 6th House of enemies in a way that has gotten them material gains and ensured their resources right from their early beginnings. Sun is doing alright, because of Sun’s conjunction with Mercury. The Sun is Facebook’s Amatyakaraka, helping Jupiter who is Facebook’s Atmakaraka. Again, they will be in the Jupiter sub-dasha when they release Libra, if all goes according to plan.

Facebook’s Sun is in the Nakshatra Shravana, ruled by the Moon and having much to do with the ear, with listening and with conquering several lands. Recently, Facebook came under scrutiny because they had been transcribing the audio conversations of Facebook users. And, do you know when that happened? It happened during the month of Shravana, named as such because that is when the Moon becomes full in said Nakshatra. And in fact, on this day, July 2, 2019, the Moon in transit was in Facebook’s 11th House ruled by Mercury. The 11th House is where Saturn sits, Saturn being the Lord of the 6th House where Sun is located in Shravana, along with Mercury.

All of this shows that the Sun is significantly activating the Nakshatra of Shravana within Facebook’s chart, in a manner related with listening in on Facebook users. The Sun is Facebook’s Ascendant Lord, Lord of Leo. In Leo, Facebook’s Ascendant, is where Jupiter sits. So that means that Shravana Nakshatra or “listening in” plays a perpetual and profoundly significant role in Facebook’s self-actualization.

Here, I would like to point out that Facebook’s Aruda Lagna is Gemini. The Aruda Lagna shows how the rest of humanity sees Facebook. Gemini is a dual sign related with proliferation of personae. But you now know that Facebook’s actual Lagna or true Ascendant is Leo, ruled by the Sun. The Sun is the Great Administrator. This is the true nature of Facebook —Facebook is here to administer over almost all of humanity (almost all, since nobody is forcing You to be on Facebook,) as the Sun does, and they will utilize aspects of Shravana Nakshatra in order to do so.

If you read my Bitcoin BTC analysis, I mention that in early 2020, I believe I said in March, something will happen globally that will make BTC soar. Facebook’s Libra may be just that something, as it is supposed to be released in early 2020. Libra has institutional partnerships that allow it to back its cryptocurrency with fiat money and thereby take the form of a dependable, reliable bank.

Administering is what the Sun does, but it is also what a bank does. The Sun is related with banking in this way. People who buy Libra will not obtain monetary returns on their Libra. Libra’s stated interest is providing a superior method of exchanging money globally and of “banking the unbanked.” Looking at Libra’s 12th House Lord of foreign lands, Mars and seeing how powerful it is, and then looking at the activation of Shravana Nakshatra in Facebook’s chart, which is also related with conquering several different lands, I see that Libra is more than capable of making global impact.

Recalling the banking crisis a decade ago, and knowing that now, cryptocurrencies provide an answer to this potential crisis for banks, it is only natural that Libra’s institutional partners and Libra itself will invest in cryptocurrency assets besides investing in fiat. When the fiat market plunges, the cryptocurrency market provides a balance, going up when the fiat market takes a dramatic plunge. Libra is backed by fiat, but naturally all of these guys will invest in crypto along with fiat, more and more as they pool their money from the majority of humanity who will be buying their coin, Libra.

Recently, the Winklevoss twins voiced their interest in working with Libra. These twins hold a huge amount of BTC and even have a crypto exchange called Gemini, incidentally. They have an ongoing feud with Mark Zuckerburg regarding the beginnings of Facebook, but even still, they want to play ball with him where Libra is concerned. Naturally, this is because the level of institutional investment spurred on by Libra will create a surge in the value of BTC and other cryptocurrencies.

Therefore, just as I am telling you all of this, tell your siblings, sisters, brothers that the option already exists to invest in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, ether, litecoin, monero and so many others. If you buy into top cryptos, you will benefit from how much Libra is going to benefit. Do you want your crypto investments to grow in value due to Libra, thereby benefiting financially yourself, or do you want to simply give these guys your money so that they can benefit?

This is happening.

Regarding Rahu in Facebook’s chart, Mars is Facebook’s highly potentially beneficial Yogakaraka as the ruler of the 4th and 9th Houses. Rahu sits with Mars in Mars’s own sign of Aries, and is in the Nakshatra Bharani.

Rahu’s interest for Facebook is to usher humanity into a post-world world.

Rahu will do this by harnessing Mars’s power, the 4th House of comfort and home, the 9th House of vision and of our future path, and Mars’s Nakshatra Ashwini, which deals with twins, with dual nature and with playing tricks.

My conclusion is my desire

to tell you to be aware of Libra’s actions within our world and to understand that this is going to change the future. Facebook says “the future of private.” This is a way of capitalizing on public interest in privacy as related to Facebook as of late. But it is also saying that the future is private, as in Libra aims to be a private, world-wide banking system.

Libra simply incorporates cryptocurrency as a way for Libra itself to be more profitable. Libra will definitely benefit the value of cryptocurrencies. Whether Libra benefits You depends on whether You invest in crypto, such as btc, eth, ltc, xmr and the list goes on and on but does not include Libra. That’s because you buy Libra but you don’t invest in Libra, as I previously explained. Libra may be convenient but Libra on its own is not going to make you money.


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